23 research outputs found

    Analysis of industry 4.0 and their impact on port environmental management

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    Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is a reality in several business segments worldwide. Technologies (I4.0) collaborate to improve production processes, in manufacturing or in services. The use of these technologies in port operations for container handling can assist in environmental management and allows the service system to be sustainable. This research analyzed the use of technologies from I4.0, applied in port handling operations of containers, to verify their impact on environmental management. Some ports, of great international relevance, were searched for data collection regarding the use of I4.0 technologies and environmental management (port sustainability). These data were analyzed to understand the relationship between those technologies and sustainability in logistics operations (green operation). The focus of this study was to analyses some container terminal operations of five ports, to assess the use of I4.0 technologies and their impact, or not, on sustainable environmental management. The method of carrying out the research was the application of an online questionnaire to five Ports: Los Angeles (USA), Hamburg (Germany), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Singapore (Singapore) and Busan (South Korea) exclusively for container terminals. Public materials available on the websites of each port were also used. The questionnaire was developed by reviewing the literature on the topic (Digital Business – I4.0 and Sustainability – green operations). An online survey to collect information took place between September-2019 to June-2020, which was complemented with publicly accessible material on the internet. The collected data were treated statistically for analysis of the research information applied in the ports (mean, standard deviation, significance level, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, critical statistical value, correspondence analysis and relative frequency). Overall information was collected from 20 container terminals. Experts (managers and supervisors) responded the online survey

    Análisis de la etapa actual de la Industria Marítima Brasilera y estudio de las características del agrupamiento en esta industria – La industria de la construcción naval, reparación, en altamar y náutica

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    The present work aims to analyze the Brazilian maritime industry. The core of the work is making an analysis of which are the basic elements to insert this system in the national maritime industry and how it is structured nowadays. The focus of the work is to analyze the four larger segments of this industry in Brazil: shipbuilding, construction of off-shore platforms and ship repair. The research included fieldwork in each national shipyard and other actors in the supply chain of that industry, as well as unions and associations.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el análisis de la industria marítima brasilera. El núcleo del trabajo es el hacer un análisis acerca de cuáles son los elementos básicos que se necesitan para introducir este sistema dentro de la industria marítima nacional y acerca de la forma en que está estructurado hoy en día. El enfoque del trabajo es analizar los cuatro segmentos más grandes de esta industria en Brasil: los astilleros, la construcción de plataformas marítimas, reparaciones náuticas y navales. La investigación incluyó trabajo de campo en cada astillero a nivel nacional y demás actores dentro de la cadena de suministro de dicha industria, al igual que las asociaciones y sindicatos

    Toyota production system - one example to shipbuilding industry

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    The shipbuilding system can use the techniques used in the Toyota Production System as an example for its production process. Production should be lean, minimize defects, stop production and reduce or eliminate inventories. Lean production is regarded by many as simply an enhancement of mass production methods, whereas agility implies breaking out of the mass production mould and producing much more highly customized products - where the customer wants them in any quantity. In a product line context, it amounts to striving for economies of scope, rather than economies of scale ideally serving ever smaller niche markets, even quantities of one, without the high cost traditionally associated with customization. A lean company may be thought of as a very productive and cost efficient producer of goods or services

    Concepts of green port operations – one kind of self-diagnosis method to the port of Santos - Brazil

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    This paper aims to evaluate the sustainable performance within the concept of Green Port in the logistics operations. Through literature review about green port implementation in different ports worldwide, as well as the studies of various technologies and methods that aim to make the port environment more sustainable, this study will go through different levels, from the shipping loading and unloading, passing through all sectors and actors related to the movement of cargo inside the port, which may on the sustainable performance of the environment, to the inland transportation. The study focus on the reduction of emissions of pollutant gases such as sulfur oxides (Sox), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), atmospheric particulate matter (PM) and Carbon dioxide (CO2). The work addresses the possible innovations in the logistics operations inherent in the transportation, storage, and handling of goods, involving the analysis, types, and operations of the resources used in the port management of the largest port in Brazil, Port of Santos

    The logistics management in the sizing of the fleet of containers per ships in dedicated route - The use of computer simulation: A Brazilian shipping company case

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    The aim of this paper is provide the use of the simulation in the  to manage one important point in the logistics systems to shipping companies that is the imbalance of containers, movement of empty containers from surplus ports to deficit ports.From a survey of data from a shipping company operating in Brazil, at various ports, it was possible to model and simulate the needs in six major domestic ports of empty and full containers and seek to meet demand in the shipping market, reducing storage of containers and maintaining the level of excellence in service.Based on the discrete event simulation it was possible to analyze the problem of empty and full containers at the ports in the maritime transportation system. It was possible study the imbalance situation in the ports e provide one tool the companies to manage yours service.The data are confined to one company located in São Paulo and operating in Brazil at maritime transportation.The research shows that the imbalance problem between full and empty containers is a real case to all companies in the maritime transportation and can have effective solutions using discrete event simulation.To have excellent supply chain management it is important to have also one effective transportation system. This paper contributes to research in the inbound and outbound part of the supply chain management

    Importance of the cost, quality, flexibility, innovation, time and reliability dimensions for the current competitiveness of the Brazilian naval sector

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    O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar as dimensões custo, qualidade, flexibilidade, inovação, tempo e confiabilidade na atual indústria marítima brasileira, utilizando como referência para análise o modelo de Slack (1993), fundamentado no modelo do Cone de Areia proposto por Ferdows e De Meyer (1990), e o modelo de Fases proposto por Delmo Alves de Moura Bolwijn e Kumpe (1990), e dessa forma verificar a importância de cada dimensão para a competitividade dos setores industriais pesquisados. A indústria marítima foi caracterizada na pesquisa aqui relatada pelos estaleiros dos seguintes segmentos: construção naval, construção náutica, construção de plataforma e reparo naval. O método utilizado foi a pesquisa do tipo qualitativa realizada por meio de entrevistas, in loco, com empresários, presidentes, diretores e gerentes de 31 estaleiros em operação na atual indústria marítima brasileira. Os resultados foram analisados por meio de mapas perceptuais das dimensões por segmento marítimo que caracterizam as prioridades necessárias para promover a competitividade dessa indústria no Brasil. Com isso, foi possível estimar se os modelos propostos na literatura são aplicáveis para avaliar as fases das dimensões na indústria marítima brasileira, quando se trata de sistemas de produção de grandes projetos e produção intermitente, características intrínsecas dos setores pesquisados neste trabalho, e definir a importância dada a cada dimensão por segmento. Nas literaturas nacional e internacional não foi constatada (após a revisão bibliográfica realizada) a aplicação desses modelos para a análise das dimensões especificamente nos estaleiros, em que a produção é caracterizada, de forma geral, por produtos de alto valor financeiro e com tempo de processo produtivo relativamente extenso, quando comparada a produtos com sistemas de produção diferentes, como as indústrias automobilística, eletroeletrônica, de informática etc.El objetivo en esta investigación es evaluar las dimensiones de costo, calidad, flexibilidad, innovación, tiempo y fiabilidad en la actual industria marítima brasileña, con la referencia del modelo de Slack (1993), fundamentado en el modelo del Cono de Arena propuesto por Ferdows y De Meyer (1990), y el modelo de fases propuesto por Bolwijn y Kumpe (1990). Así, se analiza la importancia de cada dimensión para la competitividad de los segmentos industriales investigados. La industria marítima se ha caracterizado por los astilleros de los siguientes segmentos: construcción naval, construcción náutica, construcción de plataforma y reparación naval. El método utilizado fue la investigación tipo cualitativa realizada por medio de entrevistas in situ, con empresarios, presidentes, directores y administradores de 31 astilleros que operan en la industria marítima brasileña. Se analizaron los resultados por medio de mapas perceptuales de las dimensiones por segmento marítimo que caracterizan las prioridades para promover la competitividad de dicha industria en Brasil. Con ello, se pudo determinar si los modelos propuestos en la literatura son aplicables para evaluar las fases de las dimensiones en la industria marítima brasileña - cuando se trata de sistemas de producción de grandes proyectos y producción intermitente, características intrínsecas de los sectores investigados en este trabajo - y definir la importancia que se asigna a cada dimensión por segmento. Tras una revisión bibliográfica, no se encontró en las literaturas nacional e internacional la aplicación de esos modelos para el análisis de las dimensiones específicamente en los astilleros, en que la producción está caracterizada, en general, por productos de alto valor financiero y con tiempo de proceso productivo relativamente amplio, cuando comparada a productos con sistemas de producción distintos, como las industrias automovilística, electroelectrónica, de informática, etc.The research assesses the cost, quality, flexibility, innovation, time and reliability dimensions of Brazil's naval industry at present, using as its analytical reference the model of Slack (1993), based on the Sand Cone model put forth by Ferdows and De Meyer (1990), and also on the Phases model proposed by Bolwijn and Kumpe (1990). The study evaluates which dimensions are the most critical for the competitiveness of each segment. The naval sector was characterized in this study by shipyards of the following segments: naval construction, nautical construction, platform construction and naval repairs. The method used in this study was in loco qualitative interviews with businesspersons, presidents, directors and managers of 31 shipyards active in Brazil's naval sector. The results were analyzed through perceptual maps of the dimensions by naval segment that characterize the priorities for the improvement of the competitiveness of this industry in Brazil. Thus, it was possible to estimate whether the models proposed in the literature apply to the evaluation of the phases of the dimensions of Brazil's naval sector in relation to production systems for major projects and intermittent production, which are intrinsic features of the industry researched in this study, and in relation to defining the importance ascribed to each dimension, by segment. Nothing was found in the domestic and the international literature (following the bibliographic review that was conducted) about the application of these models to the analysis of the dimensions in the shipyards specifically, where production is characterized, overall, by products of high financial value and a long production period, as compared to products with different production systems, such as those of the automotive, electrical, electronic, or IT industries, for example

    Analysis of the principal segments of Brazilian maritime industry: study of dimensions and the critical success factors inherent to its competitiveness.

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    O escopo deste trabalho está na análise de competitividade da indústria marítima brasileira, embasado nos modelos de Slack, Bolwijn e Kumpe, fundamentados no modelo de cone de areia de Ferdows e De Meyer. O intuito foi descrever a fase atual da indústria marítima brasileira, principais entraves e características; localizar os principais estaleiros no Brasil; definir quais são os fatores críticos de sucesso inerentes a essa indústria, na visão dos próprios estaleiros, fundamentado nos estudos iniciais de John F. Rockart do MIT (USA); e analisar os quatros principais segmentos construção náutica, construção naval, construção de plataforma/UEP e reparo naval. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar como os fatores críticos de sucesso desta indústria estão associados com as dimensões custo, qualidade, flexibilidade, tempo, confiabilidade e inovação. Quais são os pontos fortes e fracos da indústria marítima brasileira, descrita também por segmentos específicos, e quais são as ameaças e oportunidades que a indústria marítima nacional já enfrenta no país e no mundo e quais poderá enfrentar. Para realização deste trabalho foi necessário visitar, in loco, as instalações físicas dos estaleiros no Brasil, diversos atores relacionados com a indústria marítima brasileira, como associações de classe, sindicatos patronais, empresas de navegação, cadeia de suprimentos dos estaleiros e empresas fornecedoras de máquinas e equipamentos. Algumas visitas internacionais também foram realizadas para coleta de dados e análise da experiência de implantação de cluster marítimo em outros países, como a Holanda e a Noruega. Visitas internacionais também foram realizadas na Espanha, Portugal, Bulgária e Itália. O trabalho é pioneiro na abrangência da pesquisa em campo, na quantidade de estaleiros pesquisados, de diferentes segmentos da indústria marítima brasileira, num mesmo estudo, no levantamento dos fatores críticos de sucesso dessa indústria, na busca da associação desses fatores com as dimensões já citadas acima e na aplicação da análise multivariada de dados para inferir sobre a competitividade da indústria marítima doméstica.The purpose of this study is analyzing the competitiveness of Brazilian maritime industry based on models of Slack, Bolwijn and Kumpe, justified in the sand cone model by Ferdows and De Meyer. The intention is describing the present situation of the industry, its main obstacles, characteristics and localization of the main shipyards in Brazil, defining its view on critical success factors by its own shipbuilders, based on previous studies by John F. Rockart from MIT (USA). The intention is, also, analyzing the four main segments of Brazilian maritime industry: Yachting construction, Navy construction, Platform construction/UEP and Repair. The objective of the study is analyzing how critical success factors of this industry are related to dimensions like Cost, Quality, Flexibility, Time, Reliability and Innovation. What the strong and weak points of Brazilian maritime industry are, described also to specific segments, and where the threats and opportunities lie whether inside the country or worldwide. In order to accomplish the goal of this work it was necessary to visit installations of Brazilian shipyards, class associations, unions, companies of navigation, supply chain and suppliers of machines and equipments. Also, international visits were made in order to collect information on the experience of cluster implementation in Holland, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria and Italy. This is a pioneering fieldwork in quantity of shipyards for several different segments of Brazilian maritime industry, in the analysis of critical success factors and in the relation of these factors to the dimensions mentioned above, using multivariate analysis of data to study the level of competitiveness of Brazilian maritime industry

    Characterization and analysis of one collecting scheduling system of parts, Milk Run, in the brazilian automotive industry.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar e analisar um novo sistema de abastecimento de suprimentos que está sendo adotado por diversas indústrias automobilísticas nacionais, denominado Milk Run. Este sistema consiste na coleta programada de peças junto aos fornecedores das montadoras, e diferentemente do sistema de abastecimento denominado Convencional, no qual o fornecedor entrega suas peças na planta da montadora. A análise visa estudar se existirá redução de estoque na cadeia de suprimentos com o novo sistema implantado, quais os custos pertinentes a esta nova técnica, qual o papel do fornecedor, da montadora e do operador logístico (transportadora) no novo processo e suas vantagens em relação ao sistema Convencional. Para levantamento do problema em estudo, a adoção do sistema Milk Run, foram realizadas visitas nas indústrias automobilísticas nacionais. Alguns fornecedores, que participam deste sistema, também foram visitados para compreender como, na prática, é realizada a coleta programada, suas vantagens e desvantagens. Operadores logísticos, que executam a operação de transporte para as montadoras também foram visitado. Esta dissertação visa relatar que o sistema Milk Run adota uma concepção de trabalho com enorme ênfase na filosofia Just-in-Time, e procura seguir alguns de seus princípios como: redução do estoque de materiais, maior freqüência de abastecimento de suprimentos e maior integração entre as partes que compõem o sistema, montadora e fornecedor. A contribuição deste trabalho está em caracterizar e analisar o novo sistema, Milk Run, e propor uma comparação dos custos da nova abordagem, com os custos pertinentes ao sistema Convencional (no qual os fornecedores entregam suas peças diretamente na planta da montadora). Esta comparação baseia-se nos custos definidos pelas literaturas em função do tamanho do lote de aquisição de peças e uma análise de Trade-offs entre as variáveis destes sistemas em função da flutuação da demanda anual. No sistema Milk Run em estudo será utilizado o Kanban como ferramenta de gerenciamento de requisição de peças.The objective of this dissertation is to feature and analyse the new systems of procurement in Brazilian vehicle industry called Milk Run. This study compares Milk Run, which is a scheduled pick up automobile parts program, picking up automobile parts from several suppliers and returning the reusable containers to suppliers, to Conventional system of procurement (each supplier delivery its automobile parts in the vehicle assembly plant). The analysis is to study the inventory cost in both cases Milk Run and Conventional systems. Another analysis is to understand the role of the supplier, automaker and the logistic provider in Milk Run system and its advantages. Many visits have been necessary to the automakers, suppliers and logistics providers to understand this new situation in Brazil. This dissertation shows that Milk Run system is very close to Just-in-Time system and adopt the same philosophy as: reduction of inventory, increase frequency supply and increase integration between both parts, automaker and supplier. This dissertation tries to contribute to understand the costs included in both system and propose a modeling to compare the costs inherent in Milk Run and Conventional system. This modeling uses the costs defined in the literature about inventory and transportation system depending on the shipment size and one analysis of the Trade-offs in both systems

    Analysis of the current stage of the Brazilian Maritime Industry and study of clusters features in this industry - Naval construction, repair, offshore and nautical

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    The present work aims to analyze the Brazilian maritime industry. The core of the work is making an analysis of which are the basic elements to insert this system in the national maritime industry and how it is structured nowadays. The focus of the work is to analyze the four larger segments of this industry in Brazil: shipbuilding, construction of off-shore platforms and ship repair. The research included fieldwork in each national shipyard and other actors in the supply chain of that industry, as well as unions and associations.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el análisis de la industria marítima brasilera. El núcleo del trabajo es el hacer un análisis acerca de cuáles son los elementos básicos que se necesitan para introducir este sistema dentro de la industria marítima nacional y acerca de la forma en que está estructurado hoy en día. El enfoque del trabajo es analizar los cuatro segmentos más grandes de esta industria en Brasil: los astilleros, la construcción de plataformas marítimas, reparaciones náuticas y navales. La investigación incluyó trabajo de campo en cada astillero a nivel nacional y demás actores dentro de la cadena de suministro de dicha industria, al igual que las asociaciones y sindicatos